Raving Fans! and Checklist Process Excellence

1 min read
Jun 7, 2017 10:21:13 AM
Written by Mike Ritsema, President & Partner


The Winner of the Customer Service Darwin Award goes to … United Airlines for bringing in security to physically drag a passenger off a plane for not complying with their bump policy.  We now know that four United employees needed seats and he was the odd man out.  Get our paying customer off the plane!

Now, if there’s any institution that I want to follow checklist process excellence, it’s the airlines and TSA.  And if you’re like me, you’re exceptionally compliant when in airports and on airplanes because it’s all federally regulated.  And United Airlines and its employees did comply with their own policies and guidelines as well as federal regulations.

And they still did the wrong thing for their customers, employees, company, and public community.  They must balance Raving Fans!  service with Checklist Process Excellence!

Who does a great job of this?  SouthWest Airlines, whose new logo is the love symbol!  It’s downright comfortable and entertaining to travel SouthWest Airlines!

The future and success of your business and i3 Business Solutions lies in continuous improvement through checklist process excellence.  The results of past efforts here at i3 are impressive.  You might as well know what I say, “I’d buy from us if I was you!”  Call and ask me for a tour of our support center.  i3:  I’m impressed & inspired!  You, i3 Business Solutions, and every business is on the same journey:  continuous improvement through checklist process excellence.  That’s how McDonalds and Starbucks scale to over 25,000 locations worldwide:  repeatable checklist process excellence!

And it’s all crap and meaningless if it’s not tempered by a Raving Fans! mantra: customer first, do the right thing, go the extra mile, connect with people, 1% more mentality.

As in much of life – balance is in order.  Not either – or but both – and.

At i3 Business Solutions we will continue to build on our past success:  checklist process excellence … and … tempered by Raving Fans! service.

We believe you do, too.  Let’s work together to pursue these common business goals.

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