Brian Walter
Level 2 Network Technician
Who am I? One of the truly difficult questions to answer and one I have pondered over the past few years. When the answer presents itself, I will let you know. In the meantime, my name is Brian Walter, father of two (Jordyn, 10 and Ethan, 7), and husband to Cathy since October 2003.
I began my journey to the dark side through my older brother who is an engineering superstar. I was always trying to follow his lead from the time I was 8 with my first TRS 80 Microcomputer to today. He taught me programing, building PC's from the system board up, troubleshooting and networking PC's together for gaming when the choices were parallel cable or BNC. From there I branched out to building custom PC's for a small computer store at 17 to workstation support for Whirlpool, First of America, and Donnelly Corporation in Holland. This is when I met my soon-to-be wife, who lived in Dearborn, MI and who was my soon-to-be ex-best friend’s ex-girlfriend who broke up 6 years prior. She moved over to Grandville 2 years later and I joined her soon thereafter. I went back to college to finish a Bachelor's degree and chose Davenport University for their updated curriculum. From there started down the consulting road working on servers, Active Directory, VMWare, etc... until getting into the SMB MSP arena where I have learned a wide array of technology.
When not working, I like to play ice hockey and golf. I also assistant coach my daughter's soccer team and help with my son's soccer and baseball teams. Since buying a new house in 2012 every year has brought a new major project which seems to never end! Most recently I insulated and drywalled my garage ceiling and built some custom cabinets to store stuff. I enjoy spending time with my family which is one of the reasons i3 resonated with me. Speaking with Kathy and Mike has shown a positive attitude towards family and allowing work to flow around that core value. They also seem to understand that employees are their main product and are to be cultivated and nurtured instead of used and discarded. This is very rare in this time frame. I look forward to seeing where this road leads and helping i3 grow and become a leader among West Michigan business!